The Care for Creation Team invites parishioners to stop by after Masses on January 26 and 27 to help calculate your carbon footprint. It only takes a few  minutes. Knowing your current carbon footprint can help you make Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound resolutions. Last week covered Specific and Measurable. Achievable. There are many ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Some require significant investment, some are relatively simple and inexpensive, but require changes in day-to-day activities. Be sure to select a goal you can realistically achieve. Relevant. Is this a goal that really matters to you, and are you making it for the right reasons? If you build up a process where you’re thinking harder about what’s good for the planet, you’re changing the structure of your life, you’re bringing people into your life who will reinforce that resolution, then you have a fighting chance. Time-bound. That means giving yourself enough time to do it with lots of smaller intermediate goals set up along the way. Focus on small wins so you can make gradual progress. Charles Duhigg, author of “The Power of Habit” and a former New York Times writer, said “If you’re building a habit, you’re planning for the next decade, not the next couple of months.”